Honor Societies
Santa Barbara High School participates in two honor society programs: National Honor Society and California Scholarship Federation. Both honor societies recognize student achievement, leadership, citizenship, and service. Students are invited to become members based on meeting the requirements (e.g. GPA, grades, citizenship, dues, community service and participation). These programs help motivate students to strive for academic achievement and continual service to the school and community.
Please visit the website for Frequently Asked Questions as well as other important membership information.
**For the 2024/2025 year, we will not be tracking requirement completion for membership. However, active participation to complete all the requirements are highly encouraged.
Advisor: Esther Boutros (eboutros@sbunified.org) & Heidi Barahona-Flores (hbarahonaflores@sbunified.org
President: Elina Stump
Vice President: Ava Karman
Treasurer: Siri Jacobs
Secretary: Owen Horn