High School

Family Engagement Program

In an effort to increase the participation of our Spanish speaking families in their children's education here at Santa Barbara High School, we will be offering a series of free informational workshops and activities.

GOAL: To create a welcoming environment for all families, to encourage involvement and interaction, and to provide language equity, support and resources for our Latino families.

TOPICS: Parent skills-communication, family structure, alcohol and drug education and intervention, parent advocacy, navigating the school systen, A-G requirements, college admittance, financial aid, educational options, academies and special programs on campus, EDU training and community resources.

BENEFITS: Workshops/activities promote family involvement and interaction. Information is presented in Spanish which studies show helps parents/ guardians more actively participate when information is presented in their native language. The program will help strengthen ties between our Spanish speaking families, the school and the community.

COST: Workshops are free. And free childcare is available.

For more information, please contact:

Maria Jimenez

966-9109 x5140  mariajimenez@sbunified.org